Sunday, February 12, 2017

It's a big story. (short story)

One day I woke and I was tantalized by the sudden appearance of a giant worm, the giant worm looked at me patiently, waiting for me to make the strategic movie to run or to idk, maybe hug the worm. I thought the worm was particularly sad in a world full of small worms and smaller sized people. It didn't have anyone to fuck around with. He needed a hugging bff.And so I was his.
So we gave in to right on chakra activation. He told me he read on this "site" he found a couple of years ago, that chakra activation could potentlially be very INdian. I was appalled at his racism, but continued on in the hopes of quieting his emotions.
And there I lay flat on my bed with essential oils on my skin, with a giant toothpaste, Imean giant worm on top of me, cHanting, but oh this fuckboi wasn't doing that, he was actually distracting me from what was actually going on. He was iniating me onto wormship. Who knew? Chakras were actually worm-invented, by the late Chandrasekran worm, of kottayam, invented this whole chakra thing.
Well whatever motherfucker, I will be a worm then, I will live off fallen leaves or wahtever they eat.
I physically began to change once he got off. I saw to sky and there was an eagle, up there, but I was in my room just a minute ag....
And the eagle came rushing, my brave warrior (but double crossing) worm friend stood in fornt of me, he took all his energy , jumped and wallopped the bird. At that point, it was clear to me waht was happening, it was a clever customary ritual between eagles and big worms.
I screamed in agony, in pain, in endless self-pity, I pondered on the meaning of our friendship, I wondered why worms do things like this. "Why do they double cross" "WHy are worms so icky" and exactly "what are worms to begin with". This was the reverse strike he didn't expect, I shot myself in the head. I astral-projected, I took the form of a preying dragon, I was limitless, endless magnificence shined out of me, I was perpetually in sync with the world....To the worm that tricked me, I gave him a enchanting touch, he broke his form, he became a human being, my body reversed as well. I looked at him with fury and punished him for what he had done. I flew off into the cosmos, with my immense grin.

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