Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Self learning, how to do it right.

I reddit is full of very intelligent self learners people, these tips prolly are second nature to you, but this is for the newbies who you were  one day.

Recall what you learned at the end of the lecutre:
Recalling something learned is imprtant, because it strengthens those memories in your brain. Making it better absorbed. This is shown by science, the more revisions  you do with bigger and bigger delays in between(so that it is harder each time), the more you will absorb it.
Take notes, this is important :
Always keep the notepad ready(or your fav. note app) by your hand if you are watching lectures. Pause whenver you want to take notes, don't worry about noting it all down, make it as brief as possible. This is for convenience, if you want to remember all of the material then write all them. This is very important, no matter how much you think you'll remember the course, there is bound to be something you forgotten from it. Keeping a note you can easily stroll through and remind yourself some very useful fact you might want.
Take regular breaks:
your listening time should be a maximum as as 25 minutes no more. Taking breaks, this will make understand the information better, make conclusions, structure it better in your mind etc. Read about it right before you take a short nap. This will also have the same effects but even greater. Taking breaks is also necessary for peace of mind.
Final everyday tip, try to reduce as much as noise as possible:
Both visual noise and audio. close the room and the window infront. etc. it's not about being strict as it is about being productive with your time, you can learn so much more with the same amount of time.

Note: These are all tips from an experienced procrastinator, don't worry about being too lazy for online courses. If YOU are interested in the material, you have reasons for studying it and you make a commitment, it is certainly possible.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Positive Journal: Happiness through a stroll in my neighbourhood

About the day to the fruit shop . I was feeling kind of neutral verging on an ill feeling inside, I did my gratitude meditation and I don't remember doing loving kindness meditation, but that day I felt like I wanted to go out and buy food but I didn't want shawarma to avoid eating junk food . So I went out to the fruit shop and as I went out I felt the beauty of nature, I breathed the air , saw the trees and thought of how wonderful and how truly amazing this world, I felt a rush of dopamine, I felt really happy at the trees beside me, the greenery, the solitary walk allowed me to just feel refreshed  by it all. I felt light and easy like I was flying through the air , I felt slightly euphoric, my mind felt different and all I did was meditate and focus on gratitude. I felt really joyful and happy that I went outside through a whole day of sitting at home, I am grateful to that experience, I am grateful of nature and the place I am currently staying in, the air is fresh here, the surroundings are quiet and calm, and there are rare birds flying all beside this house, rare and beautiful birds. On that day I really felt great about living in this beautiful planet, living beside the greenery and amazing things society does for us, we go to a market and they cater to us and we have places to go to, we have unique flavor to dip our mouths in, we have incredible experiences at the theatre, we have music we could listen to over the internet, we have quiet strolls we can easily get to in our neighborhood. This was really peaceful and quiet and easily accessible, I never thought how beautiful quietness was or how beautiful nature or how beautiful gratitude itself was, I felt grateful for all the things I have in this world. Overall I'm grateful to the world of journaling for making me write and feel wonderful again, as I read this I feel at that moment walking and experiencing the intense natural high I experienced then. Although I feel like I haven't described that memory as vividly as I possibly can.