Sunday, June 26, 2016

Tripping on Kammattipadam

 I was already into this movie within the first moments, it had a very confident start to it, like it knows it was going to be something awesome. Normally I don't like violence or blood, but in this movie it just felt poetic and like it was trying to potray a different spectrum of people and their experiences. I felt an intense and deep feeling of awe of spiritual nature by the middle, some of me wanted it to stop, some of me thought the movie was dragging out but I definitely experienced expansion of my emotional reel. I felt like I was on a wave of emotions, I was sad/worried/anxious/euphoric/ fearful of what was about to happen next. And it didn't dissapoint, exploring the nature and depth of our souls. It was exploring friendship, brotherhood, repressed feelings, criminality and justice. This gamut of neurotic emotions continued on and the movie took even more turngs into negativity and despair.By the end, I was totally washed over by emotions and everything inside me was on hyperdrive. Definitely an experience I'd never regret, please directors ,bring us more of these.

-From a fan of neuroticism.

Happiness Advantage Summary (Work in progress)

1st principle : Happiness advantage
*happy people tend to make better decisions, are  more creative, perform better at tests, happier doctors make better diagnosii that are faster and more accurate
*even something small as a candy can significantly boost happiness and thus performance
*quick jolts of happinness lessens stress and anxiety
* do somthing that makes you happy before doing something important
*activities that  can raise happiness:
Finding something to look  forward to: Imagine a vacation that will soon happen etc.
*Commit conscious acts of kindness
*Infuse posiivity into surroundings:Go out, place picturs of loved ones on sight
*Spen money on experiences.
*Revisit a strength like cooking, type racing

Years of research have shown that a specific and concerted focus on your sctrengths during a difficult task produces the best results
The author encourages employees to rewtie their jb description to waht Tal Ben Shahar calls a "calling description". I have them think about how the same tasks might be written in a way that would entice others to apply for the job. The goal is not to misrepresent the work they do but to highlight the meaning that can be derived from it. Then I ask them to think of their own personal goals in life. How can their current job tasks be connected to this large purpose? Research has found even the smallest tasks can be imbued with greater meaning when they are connected to personal goals and values.The more we can align our daily tasks with our vision, the more likely we are to see work as a calling.

A hotelier menitons, like to tell each employee "Forget about your current job title. What would our customer call your job title if they described it by the impact they have on their lives".

Pygmalion effect - teachers - students - academic superstars - non verbal communication made ordinary students into actual superstars.

Third Principle :The tetris effect:
When we keep on repeating a pattern of thinking for a job or a game(ex. Tetris), we use that pattern on our daily lives and not able to compartmentalize. we see what we look for and we miss the rest. This is the tetris effect

Three things a day : Write three things that were positive for the day, it can be small like a hug from a friend, or big.
This will make you more positive, happier etc.
Journal : Write about a positive experience three times a week. Also same benefits as above

Both the above techniques will lead to all the other positive things written earlier in the book, like recognizing an effort of a coworker/subordinate, and you will see meaning and purpose within your job.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Double L's - The light that corroded me to darkness.

The pantheon of alien war lords were after us, yes! that was the thought that hooked me to the t. Ofcourse it was just an after-association of something that I "think" was real psychic visions. This isn't a world where my beliefs about psychics and mediums were readily accepted. But it wasn't like abything that I had ever experienced, it seemed very real and very convinving. I didn't how to express them . And so I delved into my own psyche exploring what was to happen to my world. Aliens in this time, were entirely possible after all we invented super-speed space and engineered ways to breathe and be alive in space for longer times than ever in hisory. Why couldn't or wouldn't there be aliens with the same kind of technology. Aliens were just another discovery waiting to happen. I was just merely one among a thousand of us, searching dreadfuly miserably for new lands and new soil. I brushed my emotions clean. I was to be arriving back in 1 day. I thought of ways to be optimistic. That others like me would find worlds even better than what I had found. The day arrived and it wasn't like I had imagined, they were waiting for me, eager to know the stories, to know the man who finally found something. I couldn't expect this, I didnt have a clue about anythign else, , the mission protocol didn't allow us to even talk to our families for more 5 minutes. We were closely monitored, we were to survive how much ever long it took to find something. That meant close control of our minds.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Double L...Page 2

As I was taken up, something beneath was I as believe funneling me. I don't know how to explain it, there was stuff all over me, but I couldn't feel it with my skin. It was an invisible force, magnetic, gravity something like them. I was grounded to the floor of the vessel. I had a throbbing pain. As I was getting higher, it kept getting more painful. I was screaming. That was when I started experiencing the visions. Brief flashes of a picture, it was green light flashing to the earth, it was huge. As they ended the pain ended, the force underneath me lifted. I boarded the spaceship. Alas no one was there to greet me. Atleast there were people I could  see on the big screen I thought then. People were curious at their new discorvery, what was I to tell them, that this world was too crazy too different. I didn't, I told them all the descriptions they wanted from me.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Double L's - A short story (maybe more)

There was indecernable light everywhere, so blindling and so out of the perception of normal human eyes. Sensors could read it and quantify it, the only thing I could do on this planet was to use my other senses, and I couldn't hear many things actually it was silence. Silence so great that I could get lost in this void, but the light didn't permit it. Finally I found something, it was soft cushiony substance that smelled like nothing I had ever smelled, I took a part of it. Kept it in the sample box. The following moment, my sensors were down. I could hear the powering off  of the device. I opened the band on my eyes and saw a world full of color and this particular thing that I cut stuff off from was a plant like still organism that was entering hibernation, I knew that because that's what they told me later. I apparently stopped this process.
The world, it was soo soo colorful and so psychedelic. Tree-like things had fascinating patterns , all of them dissimilar. The ground was transparent and even flowing above my feet like heavy gas. The sky was off a particular warm blue hue that I adore even now. That was the world as the first to step on it, everone wanted to inhabit. I thought to myself what in the world these things that I saw were. I didn't know. The periodic table couldn't fully identify all of them I thought. I send for a signal that I was coming back to the craft above. Ofcourse everyone knows it by the name Leopard. The only cat species to finally roam the planet for some reason.

-to be continued.