I was already into this movie within the first moments, it had a very confident start to it, like it knows it was going to be something awesome. Normally I don't like violence or blood, but in this movie it just felt poetic and like it was trying to potray a different spectrum of people and their experiences. I felt an intense and deep feeling of awe of spiritual nature by the middle, some of me wanted it to stop, some of me thought the movie was dragging out but I definitely experienced expansion of my emotional reel. I felt like I was on a wave of emotions, I was sad/worried/anxious/euphoric/ fearful of what was about to happen next. And it didn't dissapoint, exploring the nature and depth of our souls. It was exploring friendship, brotherhood, repressed feelings, criminality and justice. This gamut of neurotic emotions continued on and the movie took even more turngs into negativity and despair.By the end, I was totally washed over by emotions and everything inside me was on hyperdrive. Definitely an experience I'd never regret, please directors ,bring us more of these.
-From a fan of neuroticism.
-From a fan of neuroticism.